Find your next job.

Save your time and efforts while seeking a dream job.


Tired of yet another poor recruitment process?

Amployed is a unique system designed to speed up job seeking. No more browsing through vaguely written offers and recruiters spam. We will help you find the perfect company.

Fill out your profile, skills and needs, no unnecessary personal data. Leave the rest to the matching system.

Offers Selected for You
Thanks to our unique algorithm you will only find offers matching your search criteria.
Public and Private offers
Browse through the list of public offers or respond to an invitation to private recruitment.
Spam Free
You won’t receive any offer that doesn’t entirely match your requirements and competences. We place a value on your time!
Passive Job Seeking
Get a regular summary of the best matched offers. Don't waste your time on tedious search through the ads.

Looking for a new job? Amployed to the rescue.

Amployed is not just another ordinary job board.

Three simple steps separate you from a new dimension of job seeking.

Step 1

Create an account on a site in your industry

It's easy. It's quick. It's free.

Fill in the basic data and voilà! Creating an account will not take you more than a minute.

Step 2

Fill out your profile

Fill in requirements, skills, locations and expected salary. No unnecessary and sensitive data.

Our modern algorithm will start matching offers based on your profile preferences.

Step 3

Wait for the results

Kick back and relax as the offers start coming in.

You can then decide whether you want to apply to selected offers. Clear match indicator, filter out offers below your expectations, easy one-click apply.


Amployed vs other services

During the development of our system we tried to combine all the best available solutions on the market. The functionality of a traditional job board built around a narrow community. New job hunting experience.



How can the system help you in the job seeking process?

See how and why you should trust Amployed.


Fill in your profile with skills and requirements

How much do you want to earn? What are your skills and interests? Which locations do you want to work in?


System processing

Our unique algorithm will search the entire database of offers in your branch, filter out those that don’t meet the requirements and above skills.


Pick the best offer

We will show you the matching indicator for a narrow group of the best offers. You are going to save time on browsing through thousands of ads.


Do you need help anyway?

That's okay, if it still seems too difficult.

Use the contact form below to reach us.